Just a quick update, should be bringing you a complete review of inFamous 2 at some point over the next coming weeks, just trying to find the time to fit it as I unfortunately do maintain a life outside of gaming. Would of been done this weekend but I've had the, and excusing the pun here, "infamous" yellow light error and thus needed to get not only a replacement console but also need to sort out somehow having exceeded my console activation limit.
It's a little known fact that, unlike Microsoft, Sony allow you to download content using your PSN only 5 activated machines only, which are activated through your account, a lot like iTunes. Unlike iTunes, you can't remotely deactivate these machines yourself so you therefore need to actually call (you know, with a phone any everything) Sony to get them to sort it. Baffling but there we go.
Other bits of personal news, been back on LA Noire, cleaning up those cases and getting the new download cases, as well as having one final run at Mass Effect 2 before ME3 arrvies. Speaking of that, the idea of rumoured co-op online missions sound exciting but they aren't what Mass Effect is about for me, it's all about creating your own story and relationships with the characters. If they can find a way of incorporating this sense of immersion and maintain the branching dialogue options in the co-op, I'll be happy but just don't see it going that way.
A lot has been said post-E3 about whether this year was any good or not. From what I saw, a lot of the stuff that was discussed was stuff that we already knew about, Wii U being the obvious exception. I would not say it was disappointing, just predictable. Uncharted 3, Gears 3, Bioshock Infinite and Elder Scrolls: Skyrim were predictably the best on show as they were the games we expected to be good going in. I just wish that there was more unexpected annoucements. The most unexpected thing I could say about that week is that Duke Nukem Forver was released at long last, 14 years and I had nearly given up hope.
Next year will be different, I sense there will be some new hardware from MS discussed, they can't keep plugging Kinect as hard as they do, it just isn't a viable method of core game playing and I resent the tag line they plaster on the box saying "better with Kinect". No sir, no it is not. Sony might annouce something in this area too but hard to tell, depends on how much they have re-couped from developing and marketing the PS3 in the first place.
Finally, last piece to tlak about in, predictably, Uncharted 3 and the upcoming beta. Hopefully, there will be a lot to talk about as I loved Uncharted 2's multiplayer modes but I felt they still a few more game types unique to it as a game to the multiplayer truely stand head and shoulders above all else. I imagine we will see this and, with any luck, I will be able to download it. Please let me download it Sony :(
~ Naz Dragonheart
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Nintendo E3 Conference Wrap Up
- For Wii and U: Wii U
Essentially, what that means, is that you have your powerful high definition console but if the parents want to watch The X Factor or whatever non-gamers watch these days, little Billy (or big Billy if your a 37 year old still living with your parents) can press a button on the new controller and switch the action on the lovely 6 inch display and keep on trucking.
Technologically, it's astounding although it's sort of been tried by the Dreamcast and indeed the PS3 but if anyone can pull it off with today's tech, Nintendo can.
- Link to the Past: 25th Anniversary of Zelda
They also have a huge bunch of stuff planned such as concerts, soundtracks and special preorder bonuses for the two incoming games for anyone who wants them. In short, this year is going to be a great celebration of a great franchise.
- 1st Party: 3DS
Same with Kid Icarus: Uprising, seeing Pit flying around was great and he came with Nintendo patent-pending trademark annoying voice. Luigi's Mansion has gotten a second wind on 3DS, which is great for fans of the first but that might be all to be fair to the first brother of gaming.
The best part about all these titles though? They will all be out by the end of the year. Big props Nintendo, big props.
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Sony E3 Conference Wrap Up
- Re-Vita-Lising: PlayStation Vita
Ah yes, price. It's roughly hitting the 250 range in dollars and euros so expecting the same for sterling. Not entirely fair perhaps given the exchange rate but if you don't want it, don't buy it. Vita needs to be both affordable and accessible to all, making sure that there is a control system and a game to suit everyone.
- Support: Move and 3D
Much as in the same way, early PS3 adopters pushed the sales of blu ray, so will they again with 3D with a new affordable 24inch 3D monitor, cheaper multi-functional glasses and game (looks like Resistance 3 but not nailed down) for the low, low price of $500, which will probably translate into like for euros and pounds. Still not cheap but certainly cheaper.
Onto Move now and Sony made it a point to say that move was in both hardcore and casual games, showing off NBA 2K12 with basketball man, Kobe Bryant as well as the new Medieval Moves: Dead Man's Quest. Also, big Bioshock man Ken Levine popped up on stage and said they were supporting both Vita and Move so more on that later no doubt.
- Take to the skies: Starhawk and Bioshock Infinite
To have Starhawk finally annouced and teaser-fied is a relief as it has been rumoured for a couple of years now. So long as they stick to the same formula that made Warhawk great but make it in space, they can't go wrong.
- Exploring the familiar: Uncharted
A nice chunky demo of Uncharted: Drake's Deception was shown of Drake on a pleasure cruise ship, obviously looking for something but it's never stated. Every looked naturally fantastic, even the way the whole ship rocked back and forth in the storm. Obviosuly nothing goes to plan and Drake is left fighting for his life against the sinking ship. This was followed up by a lovely campaign trailer and to take Jack Tretton's words, "We're going to sell a few copies of that bad boy."
The Vita version of Uncharted, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, looked really good and seemed to play well too. Hopefully, Vita offers controls for all players, whether they want to use touch screen or not.
Monday, 6 June 2011
Microsoft E3 Conference Wrap Up
- Halo, Halo: Anniversary and 4
- Encore: Dance Central
- Power of 3: Mass Effect and Gears of War
The voice recognition functions in ME3 seems solid and will add to the immersion. Surprised that Microsoft didn't showcase any exclusive 360 content for this title but the draw of playing as the same Shepard as in the previous two games will keep this one in the family.
Gears 3 is going to be unremarkably different but doesn't matter as Gears is a lot of fun regardless. The beta has shown that they have upped the multiplayer so fingers crossed for the finished product.
- Kinect to the hardcore: Star Wars and Fable
The Importance of Seeing E3
So, E3 kicks off officially tomorrow and, with any luck, this year will be a good one, particularly for hardware, with Nintendo and Sony looking to show off some of their new funky hardware not to mention Microsoft no doubt having some good things for the core gamers on Kinect. Many gamers hard at work where ever they may be will be following along to the events that will unfold over the next couple days.
And they honestly should because as an event, it is as important to gamers as the G8 is to the planet Earth and The X Factor is to Simon Cowell. Sound like too much? Not so, as the future of games will be displayed to the world here and, as long as most of use are paying attention, we get to "vote" on that future with our cash.
E3 is so important to the industry globally, as is the Tokyo Games Show although that lacks the pizzaz and global prominence that only the LA show can provide. It's not just an event to gamers but something to hang their hats on and unite around.
So much of the industry is deeply involved with in fighting, with publishers, developers and console manufacturers alike always looking for the various "killers" in their field and although that sense of warfare is magnified at E3, it's perhaps a rare chance for loyalists to take but a passing glance of how the other half are going to be enjoying their hobby in the future.
More to the point, E3 acts an icon to all gamers. We have so few "superstar" developers in the industry and those names that we do have are strongly affliated with one side as opposed to another. Nintendo have Miyamoto, Microsoft have Peter Molyenux and Sony, well, I guess they have Kevin Butler. Point being, it's hard to unite gamers all under one banner and that's what having the big show is: uniting all gamers and celebrating the future of the industry.
So, in those immortal words of Kevin Butler himself at last years show, we say, "Gaming, forever may he reign."
And they honestly should because as an event, it is as important to gamers as the G8 is to the planet Earth and The X Factor is to Simon Cowell. Sound like too much? Not so, as the future of games will be displayed to the world here and, as long as most of use are paying attention, we get to "vote" on that future with our cash.
E3 is so important to the industry globally, as is the Tokyo Games Show although that lacks the pizzaz and global prominence that only the LA show can provide. It's not just an event to gamers but something to hang their hats on and unite around.
So much of the industry is deeply involved with in fighting, with publishers, developers and console manufacturers alike always looking for the various "killers" in their field and although that sense of warfare is magnified at E3, it's perhaps a rare chance for loyalists to take but a passing glance of how the other half are going to be enjoying their hobby in the future.
More to the point, E3 acts an icon to all gamers. We have so few "superstar" developers in the industry and those names that we do have are strongly affliated with one side as opposed to another. Nintendo have Miyamoto, Microsoft have Peter Molyenux and Sony, well, I guess they have Kevin Butler. Point being, it's hard to unite gamers all under one banner and that's what having the big show is: uniting all gamers and celebrating the future of the industry.
So, in those immortal words of Kevin Butler himself at last years show, we say, "Gaming, forever may he reign."
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