Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Sony E3 Conference Wrap Up

  • Re-Vita-Lising: PlayStation Vita
So, the new handheld has been officially unveiled as PS Vita or PSV if you will. They didn't go over all the technological facts about the device because frankly, its all been covered before. In terms of graphics, it looks very swish, they had Uncharted: Golden Abyss running on it, Modnation Racers and LittleBigPlanet. A bit weird that they are using games that defined PS3 as launch titles but you got to sell units I guess.
Ah yes, price. It's roughly hitting the 250 range in dollars and euros so expecting the same for sterling. Not entirely fair perhaps given the exchange rate but if you don't want it, don't buy it. Vita needs to be both affordable and accessible to all, making sure that there is a control system and a game to suit everyone.
  • Support: Move and 3D
Another big plugging year on these from Sony, who have invested a lot in these technologies. 3D is of course a notoriously expensive technology so for Sony to come out, recognise and be pro active about the situtation, is a statement about the market.
Much as in the same way, early PS3 adopters pushed the sales of blu ray, so will they again with 3D with a new affordable 24inch 3D monitor, cheaper multi-functional glasses and game (looks like Resistance 3 but not nailed down) for the low, low price of $500, which will probably translate into like for euros and pounds. Still not cheap but certainly cheaper.
Onto Move now and Sony made it a point to say that move was in both hardcore and casual games, showing off NBA 2K12 with basketball man, Kobe Bryant as well as the new Medieval Moves: Dead Man's Quest. Also, big Bioshock man Ken Levine popped up on stage and said they were supporting both Vita and Move so more on that later no doubt.

  • Take to the skies: Starhawk and Bioshock Infinite
 Bioshock Infinite looks doubtably phenomenal and it's a great coup for Sony to not only have a trailer shown at their presser but to also get the big man behind the Bioshock games, Ken Levine on the stage. Not as impactful as last year with Gabe Newell but still nice to see another developer who had critised the platform being positive about it.
To have Starhawk finally annouced and teaser-fied is a relief as it has been rumoured for a couple of years now. So long as they stick to the same formula that made Warhawk great but make it in space, they can't go wrong.
  • Exploring the familiar: Uncharted
We have not one but two slices of Nathan Drake action this year and as everyone can see, the Uncharted franchise is going from strength to strength. Two years ago, Among Thieves was one of the hottest games coming out of E3 and went on to become Game of the Year. This year, Drake's Deception is the same.
A nice chunky demo of Uncharted: Drake's Deception was shown of Drake on a pleasure cruise ship, obviously looking for something but it's never stated. Every looked naturally fantastic, even the way the whole ship rocked back and forth in the storm. Obviosuly nothing goes to plan and Drake is left fighting for his life against the sinking ship. This was followed up by a lovely campaign trailer and to take Jack Tretton's words, "We're going to sell a few copies of that bad boy."
The Vita version of Uncharted, Uncharted: Golden Abyss, looked really good and seemed to play well too. Hopefully, Vita offers controls for all players, whether they want to use touch screen or not.

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