Sunday, 19 June 2011

Dragon-Blog Update- 19/05/11

Just a quick update, should be bringing you a complete review of inFamous 2 at some point over the next coming weeks, just trying to find the time to fit it as I unfortunately do maintain a life outside of gaming. Would of been done this weekend but I've had the, and excusing the pun here, "infamous" yellow light error and thus needed to get not only a replacement console but also need to sort out somehow having exceeded my console activation limit.

It's a little known fact that, unlike Microsoft, Sony allow you to download content using your PSN only 5 activated machines only, which are activated through your account, a lot like iTunes. Unlike iTunes, you can't remotely deactivate these machines yourself so you therefore need to actually call (you know, with a phone any everything) Sony to get them to sort it. Baffling but there we go.

Other bits of personal news, been back on LA Noire, cleaning up those cases and getting the new download cases, as well as having one final run at Mass Effect 2 before ME3 arrvies. Speaking of that, the idea of rumoured co-op online missions sound exciting but they aren't what Mass Effect is about for me, it's all about creating your own story and relationships with the characters. If they can find a way of incorporating this sense of immersion and maintain the branching dialogue options in the co-op, I'll be happy but just don't see it going that way.

A lot has been said post-E3 about whether this year was any good or not. From what I saw, a lot of the stuff that was discussed was stuff that we already knew about, Wii U being the obvious exception. I would not say it was disappointing, just predictable. Uncharted 3, Gears 3, Bioshock Infinite and Elder Scrolls: Skyrim were predictably the best on show as they were the games we expected to be good going in. I just wish that there was more unexpected annoucements. The most unexpected thing I could say about that week is that Duke Nukem Forver was released at long last, 14 years and I had nearly given up hope.

Next year will be different, I sense there will be some new hardware from MS discussed, they can't keep plugging Kinect as hard as they do, it just isn't a viable method of core game playing and I resent the tag line they plaster on the box saying "better with Kinect". No sir, no it is not. Sony might annouce something in this area too but hard to tell, depends on how much they have re-couped from developing and marketing the PS3 in the first place.

Finally, last piece to tlak about in, predictably, Uncharted 3 and the upcoming beta. Hopefully, there will be a lot to talk about as I loved Uncharted 2's multiplayer modes but I felt they still a few more game types unique to it as a game to the multiplayer truely stand head and shoulders above all else. I imagine we will see this and, with any luck, I will be able to download it. Please let me download it Sony :(

~ Naz Dragonheart

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